The list below highlights the difference between British English and American English.
Apart from the spelling differences - you can see those by clicking on the USA - UK differences at the left hand side of this page - there are a number of differences in vocabulary listed below.
I suggest you look them over because you never know when you may run into an American after studying British English, or when you may run into a Brit after having studied American English.

Having been to England a number of times now myself, I can assure you that the differences between American and British vocabulary are just enough to cause a few laughs.
Well, maybe a few... misunderstandings. ;-)
What's important to remember?
That both British English and American English are accepted on the examinations as long as you consistently use either one or the other. In other words, don't mix!
Common Differences
- English American English
- all right all right, alright (disputed)
- analyse analyze
- centre center
- cheque check
- colour color
- counsellor counselor
criticise, criticize criticize
defence defense
doughnut donut
favour favor
fibre fiber
flavour flavor
fulfil fulfill
grey gray
honour honor
humour humor
jewellery jewellery, jewelry
judgement, judgment judgment
kerb curb
labour labor
license, licence (verb)
licence (noun) license (verb)
license (noun)
litre liter
metre meter
mould mold
neighbour neighbor
offence offense
practise (verb)
practice (noun) practice (verb)
practice (noun)
pretence pretense
programme program
pyjamas pajamas
realise, realize realize
savour savor
speciality specialty
theatre theater
travelling travelled, traveled
travelling, traveling
tyre tire
valour valor
can i have two paragraphs in british and american english showing words difference but with the same meaning?